In a job order costing system, job cost sheets will serve as the subsidiary records for the work in process account. 采用分批成本会计法,分批成本单将作为在制品帐户的辅助记录。
The commission's attempt at an inquiry into the company's handling of travel cost was met by its denial of a request for an examination of its financial records. 在公司的处理旅行成本的一项调查,委员会的尝试遭到其拒绝其财务记录的考试要求的。
Because of the cost incurred when obtaining these records, we actually order MVR records fairly late in the process. 而取得MVR记录是需要成本的,所以在实际中,我们尽可能在处理流程中延迟获取MVR记录。
But the cost of time and resource is more for maintaining the index in massive database when its records updates frequently. 关系数据库中的索引技术可以快速判断记录重复,但对于频繁更新的海量数据库,维护索引的时间与资源开销较大。
The performance of SISI is consistent with the analysis result of model: The accuracy and time cost of retrieval mainly rely on users 'count, and count of result records mainly rely on Web documents' count. SISI的实际检索性能与分析检索模型所得结论一致:检索准确率和检索时间主要依赖于用户数,检索返回的记录数主要依赖于文档数。
It is not convenient to query customer information and update customer information, and the cost is higher with a traditional way of paper records storage. 传统方式采用纸质档案存储,花费成本较高,查询客户信息与更新客户信息操作不便捷。
Charge record table is the instantiation of the cost parameter table is the fee agreement records the information in the system is the basis of batch data processing fees. 收费记录表是费用参数表的实例化,是协议收费信息在系统中的记录,是批量收费处理的数据基础。
Means of supervision the date of control charts, including inpatient, hospital cost control plan, site visits, the residents satisfaction surveys and spot checks of medical records and so on. 完善监管的手段,包括住院日期控制图,住院费用控制图,现场考察,居民满意度调查和抽查病历等。